Tour Options
Tour Options
Milwaukee Tours
Wisconsin Tours
Customized Tours
KBC Tour Company provides a general overview of the city focusing on the highlights that define the city from its historical background, its natural setting on Lake Michigan; the industrial influences throughout the years; the ethnic neighborhoods, architecture and culture. You'll see how the city evolved over 160+ years. Tours range from 1 1/2 hour downtown overview to a full-day of touring.
Milwaukee Tours
Tours of southeastern Wisconsin include areas such as Historic Greendale, Cedarburg, Racine, Lake Geneva, Delafield and the Lake Country, and Kohler. A wide variety of tour options are available through KBC Tour Company.
Wisconsin Tours
KBC Tour Company is happy to provide customized tours based on your interests. Whether your niche interest is architecture, adventure, sports, culinary, education or history, we'll work with you on a great tour!
Customized Tours
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KBC Tour Company
Milwaukee Wisconsin